Metering data
In alignment with the Electricity Industry Metering Code, Western Power can provide metering data to third party entities when an end-use customer has provided their consent.
The end-use customer is strictly defined as the customer listed as the account holder with the relevant retailer.
To request data to be provided, third parties must follow the steps below and complete the relevant online forms.
Third parties must first register with Western Power to allow access to standing and energy data. This registration may allow access to a web portal facility to request and receive data (if nominated).
Verifiable customer consent
To access energy data a third party must provide us with verifiable consent from the customer for the data that relates to the period which the customer is or was associated with the metering point. Mismatch of customer details or mandatory fields that are not provided on consent will result in the rejection of a consent form.
The maximum allowed period of a verifiable consent form is 12 months. A renewal of the consent form is required to be provided to us before the expiration date to prevent expiry of access to customer data.
Dependent upon the volume of data requested, data provision can take up to 10 business days.
We will accept the NMI and or just the Meter number on the consent form, however, the customer details must be a match.
Third party charges
The following GST exclusive charges will apply and will be invoiced to the third party on a monthly basis, with consent forms invoiced at the end of each month.
- Registration Fee of $9.85
- Verification and processing of a customer consent and a customer consent renewal form will incur a fee of $12.50 per consent form per NMI. This allows unlimited access to meter data for a maximum period of 12 months or by the specified time on the consent form
Invoices will be sent once amount reaches $150. However, pending invoices will be sent by the end of a financial year or where amounts are outstanding greater than 12 months.
Cancellations and information for customers
Customers seeking to cancel provision of metering data to a third-party entity can do so by submitting the attached cancellation form:
Cancellations will automatically occur if a retailer changes customer details within Western Power's Metering Registry. A new customer consent form will be required from the new customer to continue data provision services.
Further information for third parties
A user guide is available below to assist third parties in the process and in using the Western Power portal
- Third Party User Guide (PDF 222 kb)
- Third Party Fact Sheet (PDF 131 kb)
- Quick Reference Guide - Meter Data Extract (PDF 120 kb)
Support information for third parties
Web portal access can be made at
Technical support for web portal
Third Party form submission and general enquiries