Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
At Western Power, we respect that everyone has the right to participate fully in the community and to have an informed say in decisions that affect their lives.
We are committed to providing equitable access to services, facilities and information for people with disability, their families and carers. We also recognise that removing barriers to this access requires a strategic and systematic approach.
To do this we deliver against a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) which we’ve developed in consultation with the community.
Progress so far
A review of the previous Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2016 – 2020 took place in 2022 after being delayed due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Under this plan, we are proud to have made significant progress including:
- Establishing Focus Ability. This network of employees with lived experience of disability and their allies continues to provide a voice within the organisation that informs our policies, procedures and services.
- Delivery of Disability Recruitment Confidence training. This module for formal leaders was developed in partnership with National Disability Services to deliver improved employment outcomes at Western Power for people with disability.
- Improving accessibility of our facilities. Accessibility requirements are at the forefront in the design of new facilities for employees and/or customers, and we are working to modify legacy facilities to ensure access and inclusion.
A new plan
We are proud to have released the new Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 – 2028.
In developing this plan, we sought feedback from Western Power employees, customers, disability groups, peak bodies and the broader community.
The plan continues to focus on addressing barriers to:
- accessing our services
- accessing our facilities
- accessing information
- providing feedback and making complaints
- participating in consultation
- obtaining employment.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 – 2028
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We aim to provide all our information in ways that are easy to access and understand.
To request information in an alternative formats, such as hard copy, large print, languages other than English, audio format (CD or cassette) or Braille, please contact us on 13 10 87, National Relay Service 1800 13 13 51, TIS 13 14 50 or submit an online enquiry to our Customer Experience Centre.
Contractor requirements
The Disability Services Act requires Western Power’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) to be implemented by our contractors as well as our staff.
Where contractors provide a service to the public on Western Power’s behalf, these services are to be provided in a manner consistent with our DAIP.
Contractors submit a one-page Contractor Report to us by 30 May each year indicating which DAIP outcomes they have progressed and a brief summary of their activities.
Help us improve accessibility
We welcome your feedback. If you would like to comment on our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, make a suggestion to improve access, or comment on one of our initiatives, please contact us:
Phone: 13 10 87
National Relay Service for speech or hearing difficulties: TTY 1800 13 13 51
Translating and interpreting services: 13 14 50
Online: Feedback form
Fax: (08) 9225 2660
Western Power Customer Experience Centre
GPO Box L921
Perth WA 6842