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  • 500,000 advanced meters now installed across WA's main electricity grid
  • Advanced meters provide greater network visibility
  • Western Power on track to reach 1.2 million advanced meters by 2027

More than 500,000 advanced meters are now installed at households throughout Western Australia's main electricity grid - the South West Interconnected System.

Western Power's advanced metering infrastructure is a key enabler for WA's innovative energy transformation, as the technology provides more frequent timely data and greater network visibility, which is essential to connecting more renewables.

Advanced meters:

  • provide data that improves customers' ability to view and control their consumption;
  • increase penetration of distributed energy resources (such as rooftop solar);
  • enable government policy and initiatives that will help create the grid of the future;
  • reduce the number of manual reads and estimated billing; and
  • provide faster re-energisation services and remote detection of service line faults.

For more information, visit Advanced Metering Infrastructure - the best way to meter electricity​


Comments attributed to Energy Minister Bill Johnston:

"Advanced meters not only improve safety in the home, they also provide Western Australians with greater control over how they use and manage their energy consumption.

"They enable customers to take advantage of emerging technologies, including community batteries, microgrids, embedded networks and electric vehicles, and support the increased use of rooftop solar.

"Western Power is forecasting for all households and businesses on the network, about 1.2 million customers, to have advanced meters by 2027."

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